Finally a solution to the ever-present problem of making Adena in Lineage 2. This digital/PDF guide contains all the different strategies that can net you a good profit, especially when combined together as complementary activities.
Some of the topics covered inside include:
- Reading and taking advantage of the virtual market
- Most profitable items you can gather and sell
- Beneficial warfare and farming activities that can make you as much Adena as you want
- The advantages of playing a Dwarf
- Quests that anyone can do to make addition income
Tired of being broke in the world of Lineage 2?
“Discover How to Make Enough Adena so You Can Properly Equip Your Character and Cover All Your Gameplay Expenses”
Mayu’s Ultimate Adena Making Guide Shows You Multiple Ways to Earn The Virtual Money You Need to Enjoy Lineage 2 to the Fullest
Never Again You Have to Suffer from Running Out of Adena and Being Left Behind Other Players Who Make Millions Every Day
Dear Lineage 2 Player:
Adena has always been a major factor in Lineage 2 when it comes to taking advantage of the best items and leveling optimally. Those who have enough Adena can enjoy aspects of the game that many others can only dream of.
It does not have to be like that though and I’m going to show you that it only takes a bit of knowledge, patience and the right approach to completely turn around your in-game financial situation.
Can I really benefit from this guide and make Adena?
I can guarantee you that you will make in-game profit and get the following benefits, if you follow the tips I share inside this guide:
- Learn how to balance between leveling and Adena making so you don’t end up frustrated ever again with a broke high level character or some money but a bunch of low level toons.
- Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of spending too much money and wasting unnecessary resources.
- Discover how the market works and learn how to play it for your own advantage.
- How you DON’T have to abandon activities that you enjoy, such as monster killing and PvP, and still make enough Adena as a result.
- Learn why Dwarves can be really profitable, even if you don’t play any as your main character.
- Whoever said Quests are worthless couldn’t be more wrong – profiting from Questing has never seen better days!
- Realize how socializing with others can completely change your money situation and grant you access to additional income streams.
These are just some of the key benefits you’ll get from this Ultimate Adena Making Guide, but it doesn’t end there. Regardless of whether you’re new to Lineage 2 or more experienced, you’re almost guaranteed to find something that will help you increase the cash-flow you have at the moment.
Features and contents
Here are the exact features and contents of the guide in case you’re wondering:
- Separate chapters for each Adena making strategy – up to you how many to employ in your gameplay.
- What is the current state of the Lineage 2 in-game market, how to read it properly and how to react to it.
- How to avoid being scammed and take advantage of players with fat wallets.
- How regular farming can net you signifact profits by going to the right hunting zones.
- Which are the items that are most popular on the Lineage 2 market today and how to obtain them.
- Which Quests are worth doing for pure profit
- How can full-time Dwarf players make Adena by approaching spoiling and crafting scientifically
- Why Instanced Dungeons are key to having a stable money income and how to take advantage of that.
- The best ways a newbie can start earning Adena as early as it can get.
- How can running multiple game clients (aka Multiboxing) make you billions of Adena in a relatively short period of time
- Practical social and clan activity tips that will expand your gameplay exponentially.
- A lot of links to free online guides that complement various chapters and sections.
- How certain types of warfare can unlock great possibilities for you to profit from.

All seems good on paper, but what do you ask for in return?
Let’s be honest here – Adena making can be an extremely frustrating and time-wasting activity if not done right. In fact, the number one reason for players quitting the game or turning to buying Adena with real money is because they fail to realize how to take advantage of the options that Lineage 2 provides for making a virtual living.
If you’ve been in a similar situation and you’re looking for a way out, how much are you willing to pay just once to solve your Adena making problems for as long as you continue playing? Let’s have no illusions – it WILL take time and playing the game to earn Adena and achieve your goals for your character, but the questions is – how long will it take if you don’t know how to do it properly?
This Ultimate Adena Making Guide provides you all the possible strategies to earn enough and you are free to combine as many of those strategies as you want because they work for almost any class in the game. Because i realize how tough it is for most players who are struggling with lack of resources to afford whatever they need, I have a special offer for you today – get the guide for just €14.99!